Get to know about gliding yourself? My first introduction to glider flying was at the national glider center Terlet. When I was 15 my parents offered me to do a course in gliding and it was super cool!!

You will fly with an instructor for several weeks in a row. When you’re ready, you can go up in the air alone for the first time, and yes you can scream hahaha.
The glider
When I made my first flights, the gliders still consisted of a metal tube frame, lined with wood and/or linen. Nowadays they are made of different plastics, so everything is more aerodynamic. In the cockpit you have a number of basic instruments (speed, altitude, vertical speed and compass) and possibly radio, navigation and anti collision system.
The Take-off

There are two ways to take-off, with the winch or being towed by a motor plane. The winch take-off is spectacular. You go from 0 to 100 km/h in no time and then your ascent steeply. You will be pulled by a thin cable that is quickly rolled up by the a winch which is parked about 2 kilometers away.

The so-called tow start is a bit quieter but you have to steer very precisely. It is important to stay in the right position behind the tow plane.
The flight
Once detached from the winch or tow cable, you’ll start your flight, gliding down, and you’ll be surrounded by an unprecedented silence. All you hear is the sound of the wind. If you are lucky, you’ll find thermals, these are bubbles of rising warm air in which you can circle. It is the same as birds of prey do, and that’s how you go higher. If there are no thermals then there is nothing but to convert your height to speed and you will have to land after a while.
The landing

The landing is done via a fixed pattern, called the circuit, with corresponding heights so that you end up nicely at the point where you want to land. If necessary, you can still correct your height with the speed brakes that are situated in both wings. The speed brakes disrupt the air flow, causing you to descend faster and with this you can choose exactly where to land.

Got excited?
If after reading my story and seeing the pictures you feel like trying a glider flight yourself, you can probably get acquainted with gliding somewhere near you. Also be sure to watch the video below, it gives a good impression about the first experience in a glider. As I said, I started at Terlet and then I joined Glider Club Deelen. If you live nearby I can definitely recommend this one.